Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Camp Week 3

The weeks here are really flying by and the camp fun is starting to take its toll on us counselors. The weekends are less crazy and tend to be spent sleeping, chilling, and eating Moe's. 

This last week I was assigned to middle school. When I heard past team membered talk about this age group I heard a lot of mixed reviews. Some don't care for these kids while others absolutely adore this group. I think it has to do with them being weird and not as afraid of expressing themselves compared to high schoolers, who would being trying to "play it cool." 

Middle school was one of my most enjoyable weeks so far. I'm not sure how much that counts though, considering it was only week 3. I was kind of unsure about middle school, but I realized that just because I didn't necessarily enjoy other middle schoolers when I was that age doesn't mean that they all behave badly. I made sure to go into the week with an open mind and I am so happy that I made that decision because I had an awesome week . 

One of the things I really struggled with for this age group was getting the kids to respect me. Some of the boys who came from rough homes liked to try and intimidate others so they could do what they want. Sometimes they wanted to do things that weren't fair to other campers, like skip the entire 9-square line. Of course, they were caught a lot. I tended to hang out around the 9-square court during free time so I tended to catch them a lot, so they didn't really care for me and tried several times to scare me, even saying they would target me on the court. I took it as patiently as I could, even when it became extremely frustrating. 

My favorite part of the week was hanging out with my cabin girls. Cabin free time was a blast and we would make lots and lots of friendship bracelets just about every single night. I really hope that maybe next year I see those girls again!

xoxo, tay

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